- Or maybe as a coach, you are finding the traditional methods of coaching cumbersome, repetitive and maybe even, dare i say "boring"?

- Are you looking to diversify your coaching offering?

- Are you wanting to add new tools, methods and techniques to your coaching tool box?

- Do you want to facilitate with even more confidence, skill and wisdom?

- Are you hoping to learn new ways to bring your coaching groups and cohorts together?

- Do you want to give your clients more of those "aha!!" moments?

Stand out from the crowd and give your clients new perspectives, new insights, new inspirations and new successes by adding breathwork and conscious breathing knowledge and technique to your coaching or mentoring business.

I will fast track you through 10 years of my own personal experience in breathwork so that by the end of the program you will be ready to utilise new methods that will increase the effectiveness and overall results of your coaching. 

Allow me to welcome and invite you to my "Respiratory Revolution" Mentoring program. 

The coaching game has definitely moved towards being more holistic and in truth has gone beyond just focusing on hustling and "smashing it" - although we love that too!

The fact is, breathing, yes the very simple act of breathing, has a direct impact on the mind, thoughts, reactions, focus and creativity aswell as almost every single bodily system within us. Imagine being able to influence all of this with breathing. We simply cannot afford to overlook this phenomenon any longer.

This program will help you to understand your clients (and self) much better and deeper and give you the possibility to have new tools and possibilities for success...and maybe the most important thing of all...

...bring FUN into your coaching!

I am going live in July ´25 with this amazing program and in order to work with me and get first access to the curriculum you should jump on the exclusive waiting list here

Join the waitlist of my first coaching circle

The other great thing about this training program is that you will develop yourself in the process and become a better more complete person in the process as there is a tremendous blend of practical exercises mixed with in depth theory - you know, walking the talk!

In order to be of service to others, you really need to have yourself in order first and foremost - as i always say "put the oxygen mask on yourself first before helping others".