My name is Leigh and I'm a health coach.
I have spent much of my life in gyms and on sports fields and courts - in Australia. Life has its twists and turns and i ended up in Finland, the land of 188,000 thousand lakes (all frozen in winter), the world´s freshest air and some of the most health conscious humans in the world.
Living a very active and physical life devoid of the softer side, where i should have been looking after myself and concentrating more on resting and recovery - and calming the mind.
Well, thankfully i found the calmness in 2011 as i began ice swimming all on my own. I realised that despite how my body (and mind) reacted, i could actually control both the body and mind (and stress in general) by mastering the breath.
I found that stress and fear rises in the body (within the nervous system) the same way no matter what the scenario - so i was determined to harness breathing and what we today call "conscious breathwork".
I studied everything i could get my hands on regarding ancient and modern day breathwork, including ancient traditions and rituals to modern day performance and scientific literature.
My journey with the cold only continued too, as today i am one of the very few organisations which offer an under the ice diving experience, that includes full training, guidance and knowledge share.
I like to do things that few have done before me, so i wrote a unique book about breathwork titled: "Re-Spiritual Awakening" and i have been working for Europe´s HQ of Biohacking: The Biohacking Center in Helsinki, aswell as holding a full time role in Finland´s largest innovation university - Aalto University.
My passion is to help people realise that they are frigging superheros!
Life can be tricky and can take a lot from us and even consume us at times. I have developed a whole range of solutions to enable people to rediscover their inspirations and aspirations in life.
I love people in general and believe in the best in people. I have an excellent track record of helping people find this and help them find meaning in life but also to feel happy and healthy - one breath at a time.
I believe in the very best in everyone. We each have something special to offer and give in this life. But life "happens" and sometimes we just need a gentle reminder to share that once again.
We are all responsible for our own health and happiness. I teach and facilitate techniques and share the tools that will make it easier to take that responsibility.
Everything i do is grounded in science, so i take careful time to explain things from a research and scientific angle, yet i truly do believe that there is magic at play in much of what we do. Sometimes its ok to FEEL the truth within.
Superihmiset (superhumans) Episode 2
Finnish tv show about human potential hosted by Sean Ricks
Amplified Wellness, Episode 9
A podcast with amazing health and wellness experts discussing a wide range of health topics.
The Kinetik Fitness Show, Episode 39
A podcast on being optimally healthy in your mind, body and spirit.
The Spartan Brothers, Episode 49
A podcast by two Greek-American brothers as they go on a Health and Wellness journey.