Breathwork Rituals
Let me take you around the world to explore breathwork rituals, past and present!
Lets be honest, its been tricky (almost impossible) to travel lately.
This 8 week online (ZOOM) breathwork experience will allow you to travel the globe, journey within and even wander around the universe!
Breathing is amazing, we know it.
But I felt the need to introduce practices that are unique, experiential, traditional, modern and then add my own adaptation, flair and guidance.
Each stop around the globe, I will share:
- Brief historical background
- Essence and origin
- Basic philosophy
- Techniques
Each week you will be able to experience the breath in different ways, different intentions, different experiences and different styles.
Check below into our "stops"
Week 1. Pranayama (India)
Known as "yoga breathing", pranayama is mainly a series of nose breathing practices that increase or release the energy within the body. Pranayama is a foundational part of any healthy person´s breathing.
Week 2. Buteyko (Russia)
Buteyko is very much centered around optimal breathing for everyday purposes. This is related to your baseline breathing (20,000 breaths per day) and breathing mechanics.
Week 3. Satori (Japan)
In Zen Buddhism, Satori (sudden awakening) is closely related to "Kenshaw" ("looking at his true nature). Satori is the state of which we achieve during this breathwork practice.
Week 4. Tummo (Tibet)
Tummo, which literally means ‘inner fire’, is an ancient meditation technique practiced by monks in Tibetan Buddhism. Tummo exists of a combination of breathing and visualization techniques. It is a tantric practice.
Week 5. Sufi (Middle East)
Sufi breathwork is a profound experience that centres around "becoming one with the creator". It is known as a very spiritual practice and allows for a deep energy rising and the heart to sell with love and connection to self.
Week 6. Rebirthing (US)
Established in the US in the 70´s, the name "rebirthing" comes from both the technique itself and the notion that each breath is indeed like a "rebirth". You may experience a journey, either deep within, lucid dreaming and possibly even healing of past traumas.
Week 7. Wim Hof Method (NED)
A modern day method that uses elements of tummo breathing techniques. This is a deep practice that allows for long, peaceful pauses in between active deep breathing. Powerful indeed!
Week 8. Respiratory Revolution (FI)
All of these practices and indeed every single breath we take, represent the one truest form of liberty. This practice will help you tie in everything you have learned, by unlearning everything you once knew! This is a brand new experiential form of breathwork that is tied into amazing philosophical perspectives.
Breathing should be joyous and full of fun!
I have put these journeys together so you will gain amazing knowledge, whilst experiencing new ways to breathe like never before.
What you will get:
-You will get to take part on a different breathing journey for 8 weeks, and ALSO you will get access to the sessions afterwards via online platform! So if you miss one session or you wish to relive it afterwards, now it is possible!
-Thursdays 2000pm (eest - Eastern European Standard Time) on Zoom
-Anytime access to the recordings of the sessions.
How much:
-All of this for 99e